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May 14th

Day 5

Pirates Ships, Mako Shark & Homemade Wine…I <3 Cincy (Part I)

If you recall, I had just left Indianapolis on the Megabus to Cincinnati. On the bus I secured a place to stay for the night.  Thanks to Girlpawn, I know quite a few people in Cincy, so I wasn’t too concerned about this particular portion of my travels.

I woke up the morning of Friday, Day 5 on the floor of a friend’s apartment. I had gone to sleep on an air mattress but sometime during the night it sprung a leak. I’m pretty sure it was like that before I got on it, but I sure couldn’t have helped the situation (sorry Elyse!). After a shower (clearly designed for a child, I felt like superman trying to change in a telephone booth), I spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon blogging. Other morning activities that end up being quite time consuming: looking up businesses I have Groupons for (checking them out, hours, location, ect), making lodging arrangements for the next(couple) night(s),  securing a ride to any place I’d like to go, coordinating media requests & my favorite (but least common) sleeping in.

Lunchtime had arrived and was on the verge of passing when Sue & Leon (friend and father of Girlpawn, respectively) took me to lunch at Hyde Park Pizzeria ( The ingredients were super fresh, the sauce was well seasoned and a brick oven never hurts; I highly recommend their bacon (big strips  > bacon bits).

After lunch, Sue took me to her parent’s house so I could use their laser printer for my Groupons. 2+ hours and a ream of paper later we were on our way #notexcitedaboutanotherheavythingtocarry

Shortly after, Sue and I met up with friends Kate & Elyse before heading to dinner at Jean Robert’s Lavomatic. We met Kathleen, a reader of my blog who texted me about dinner plans earlier in the day, at the restaurant. I gave Kathleen a hard time for ordering Grilled Cheese when they had options like Mako Shark, Sauteed Scallops and Shrimp Orzotto on the menu. Turns out she’s a vegetarian and my nay saying was completely off base. While my Salsa Verde Mako Shark (grilled) with fiddlehead ferns, ramps, carrot ribbons, pea tendrils & zucchini carrapaccio in a meyer lemon beurre blanc was excellent, apparently adding Boursin and plenty of butter to a perfectly executed Grilled Cheese makes it a superstar (if you ever have the chance - try it!)

After dinner, the ladies and I took a short drive to Sidebar, just across the river in Covington, KY ( There was a band playing on a small stage and we had a couple drinks before I met the owner, Derek. This is when the magic began…he did a fire bottle show (he used to tour the country performing) and mentioned that when the bar gets packed they hoist buckets of beer to the upstairs balcony (which I had to see). Let me tell you, this is the quintessential hangout bar. The people are friendly and there is plenty of entertainment!

It was getting late so my friends and I started heading back towards home. We stopped at their local watering hole for a few more drinks. At some point I noticed an unfamiliar sight outside… to my delight, a taco truck had parked itself right in front of the bar. I was amazed (we don’t get that in Chicago) and intrigued and suddenly hungry (shocking, I know).  So I traded a Groupon for a smoothie (I had 10 anyway) for some tacos. Let me tell you, there is something about tacos that are free (it also may have been the truck…or the alcohol) that makes them taste better. I shared some tacos with my friends and shortly after we left. I got a ride to Judy & Leon’s (Girlpawn’s parent’s) house and called it a night.

End Day 1 in Cincy…stay tuned!

- The Groupawn


3 Responses to “Pirates Ships, Mako Shark & Homemade Wine…I <3 Cincy (Part I)”

  1. You should try to find a Groupon for a baggage place and get a big backpack with wheels. Most places are handicapped-accessible these days, and it will totally save your back. I am a university teacher and swear by it. 50 student papers are really quite heavy. And then it could also be converted back to a backpack if necessary.

  2. Wow, if you like food carts, Portland is going to blow your mind. We have over 400 food carts, check them out at We’ve been featured all over the country, including the NY Times. My favorite is Whiffies, where they make fried pies, and Potato Champion for some amazing poutine!

  3. im in your pictures. i feel so famous.

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